- Ades Gallery- Paris, France
- *Allentown Art Museum- Allentown, Pennsylvania- “Tea Party”
- *Arkansas Art Center- Little Rock, Arkansas- “Angelique”
- Art Center Associations, Louisville School of Art- Louisville, Kent
- Art Fair Gallery- Sausalito, Calif.
- Attleboro Museum- Attleboro, Massachusetts
- Bridgeport Art Gallery- Bridgeport, Connecticut
- Burpee Art Gallery- Rockford, Illinois
- *Butler Institute of American Art- Youngstown, Ohio- “Angelique”, “In the Green”
- Cedar Rapids Art Center- Cedar Rapids, Iowa
- *Children’s Museum- Detroit, Michigan- “Clowns”
- *Christchurch Art Gallery (formerly Robert McDougall Art Gallery)-
Christchurch, New Zealand- “Bazaar”
- City Gallery- San Francisco, Calif.
- Cory Galleries- San Francisco, Calif. and Honolulu, Hawaii
- Crandall Art Studio, Mt. Union College- Alliance, Ohio
- De Medici Gallery- San Francisco, Calif.
- Dwight Art Memorial, Mt. Holyoke College- South Hadley, Mass.
- Erie Public Library Art Gallery- Erie, Penn.
- Evansville Museum- Evansville, Indiana
- Fine Art Gallery, University of Colorado- Boulder, Colorado
- Fine Arts Museum, Peabody College- Nashville, Tenn.
- Frame House Gallery- Boardman, Ohio
- Franciscan Gallery- San Francisco, Calif.
- Frank Dostal Studio- Sausalito, Calif.
- Gallery Dennis- San Francisco, Calif.
- *Georgia Museum of Art- Athens, Georgia- “Blue flowers”
- Gibbes Art Gallery- Charleston, South Carolina
- Huntington Galleries- Huntington, West Virginia
- International Gallery- Chicago, Ill.
- Ivy Hutch- San Francisco, Calif.
- Jane’s Framing- Sausalito, Calif.
- Keller Gallery- San Francisco, Calif.
- Lyon Art Gallery- San Francisco, Calif.
- *Memphis Brooks Museum of Art- Memphis, Tenn. “Bazaar”
- Miami Museum of Modern Art- Miami, Florida
- Mississippi State College of Women, Art Gallery- Columbus, Miss.
- Morse Gallery of Art, Rollins College- Winter Part, Florida
- Museum of Graphic Arts- New York City, New York
- Natchez Trace Parkway Museum System- Tupelo, Miss.
- *Neville Public Museum of Brown County- Green Bay, Wisconsin- “The Watcher”
- Oklahoma Art Center- Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
- Palacio de Bellas Artes- Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
- Pensacola Art Center- Pensacola, Florida
- Pettigrew Museum- Sioux Falls, South Dakota
- Philbrook Art Center- Tulsa, Oklahoma
- Pittsburg Plan for Art- Pittsburg, Penn.
- St. Paul Art Center, St. Paul, Minnesota
- Shelby Galleries- Sausalito, Calif.
- *Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art- Loretto, Penn.- “Self-portrait”, "Sausalito from Afar",
"Gustave the Clown"
- Stanford Museum, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif.
- State Capitol Museum- Olympia, Washington
- Studio 44- San Francisco, CA
- The Art Gallery- Burlingame, Calif.
- The Connextions Gallery- Sausalito, Calif.
- The Fox and the Hound- San Francisco, Calif.
- *The Hunter Museum of American Art- Chattanooga, Tenn.- “Venice, Italy”
- The Mark Reuben Gallery- Sausalito, Calif.
- *Tweed Museum of Art- University of Minnesota- Duluth, Minn.- "On Stage", "The Island"
- Twelve Alder Place Gallery- San Francisco, Calif.
- University of Alabama Art Museum- Tuscaloosa, Alabama
- University Collection, Kansas State University- Manhattan, Kansas
- Up One Gallery- San Francisco, Calif.
- *Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery- Nashville, Tenn.-“Iris or Goat Flower”